An official website of the House of Commons
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Filing Requirements

In order to file a Civil Complaint, you must:

  • Meet the definition of a Civil Complaint (Whereas a Member files a complaint with the House against another Member of the House for an alleged violation of a House statue or a common law that is in concern of the plaintiff.)
  • File within 180 days of the alleged violation occuring
  • Include the: Plantiff's Name, Defendant Name, the Statue of Common law in violation, all Facts & Findings, Date the Violation Occured, and the Request for Relief
  • File Civil Complaint (House Form 1090)

    What to Expect Next

    Upon filing a Civil Complaint, the defendant will be presented a copy of the complant and must respond (answer) it wihin 30 days and shall include all their facts and findings.

    Once the defendant has answered, the Inspector General must schedule one hearing within a resonabale time. This hearing will allow both parties to:

  • Address their case
  • Have witnesses testify on their behalf
  • Allow the Inspector General to ask questions to either party
  • The Inspector General may schedule additional hearings should it be deemed necessary.

    After Your Hearing

    Within 45 days after your last (and possibly only) hearing, the Inspector General will release a written decision. This decision must include:

  • The findings of the Inspector General
  • The party that shall prevail
  • relief that shall be granted to either the plantiff or the defendant