An official website of the House of Commons
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Pursuant to Due Process Act (DPA), the House has created a new way to handle complaints filed. Under the new system, there are now three types of complaints you can file. To file a complaint, select the appropiate type below. In addition, you can find additional resources for complaints on this page.

The Inspector General does not have judicial review power, meaning the Inspector General cannot strike down statues they believe to be unconstitutional.

Civil Complaints

A Member of the House may file a complaint against another Member of the House for an allged violation of a House statue or a common law that directly impacts the person filing the complaint.

Criminal Complaints

The Sergeant-at-Arms or the Speaker shall file a complaint against a Member, following the issue of a ticket, if the Member has allegedly violated a House statue, common law, or a Rule of the House that is within concern of the House as a whole.

Administrative Complaints

A Member may file an administrative complaint, when granted in law, against a House Agency if the Member belives that either their rights were violation in respect to the action(s) the Agency took, or the Agency makes a ruling in relation to the Member that they wish to appeal.

Additional Resources & Tools

View Complaint Database

Pay a Ticket/Pay Your Case via PRC

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

File a Motion/Learn More About Motions

Resources to Help You