An official website of the House of Commons
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Format to File

We are here to help you to ensure that you can present a fair argument. To do so, you must know how to file responses to the Inspector General. Templates of common filings are listed below for your use. When filing you must be aware that you must file this with the Inspector General and give a copy to all parties involved. You can do by U.S. Mail or Electronic Mail (email). If you are looking for one not listed, please contact OIG at

Answer to Complaint

Making Payments

If you are found guilty, you are likely to owe someone money for direct damages and punitive damanges. House Code regulates how payments should be collected. Generally, payments must be made within 60 days and made with the Clerk of the House of Commons. The Department of Revenue (DOR) regulates the process of money by notifying, and recording, any money you owe and recording all payments made. If you need help making payments, please contact the Clerk of the House. For errors in your payment, contact the Department of Revenue (DOR).

Payment Resource Center (PRC)

Department of Revenue (DOR)

Your Rights

In addition to your U.S. Constitutional Rights, you are also granted rights under the Constitution of the House and House Code. The Office of the Speaker maintains a document providing for an explaination of your rights. Use the resources below to help understand your rights.

Constitution of the House

House of Commons Code

House Administrative Code

Your Rights, a Guide